Informatique, Télécom, Internet
Alger, Algérie
Lieu de travail
Alger, Algérie
Secteur d'activité
Informatique, Télécom, Internet
Date d'expiration
14 avril
Niveau de poste
Responsable d'Équipe | Confirmé / Expérimenté
Nombre de postes
1 poste ouvert
Type de contrat
Niveau d'étude (diplome)
Licence (LMD), Bac + 3 | Master 1, Licence Bac + 4
Mission générale du poste:
The Internal Audit Responsible is responsible for supporting the Internal Audit Director to provide independent and objective assessment of the reliability and effectiveness of risk management, internal control and corporate governance through execution of internal audit engagements and delivering high quality Internal Audit Reports applying the Global Audit Methodology and Djezzy policies and procedures.
Main Tasks :
Taches Principales :
Skills :
Very strong and deep audit and finance skills.
Good understanding of audit methodology.
Robust appreciation of the risks and controls.
High level of integrity and dependability with strong sense of urgency and results orientation.
Self-assured and internally motivated, individual driven to succeed and make a difference.
Strong organization skills.
122 Boutiques
15,5 M d’abonnés
95,53 % Couverture réseau
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