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Informatique, Télécom, Internet

Alger, Algérie

Site web

Application Engineer (Biomedical engineer)

Lieu de travail


Secteur d'activité

Informatique, Télécom, Internet

Date d'expiration

26 avril

Niveau de poste

Débutant / Junior | Confirmé / Expérimenté

Nombre de postes

2 poste ouvert

Type de contrat


Niveau d'étude (diplome)

Master 2, Ingéniorat, Bac + 5 | Doctorat

Required Profile: Biology background with a liking for IT

  • Biology background or Lab experience.
  • Very good English level
  • Analyze Client customers’ needs, and translate this into DiData workflows
  • Configure the DiData platform to match the lab’s requirements
  • Acts as the customer voice to influence future product design to meet customer needs
  • Bonus: Knowledge of PHP or Javascript is a plus

Offered Benefits:

  • The opportunity to develop your skills in an international environment, the field of clinical research, and biobanks
  • A youth-friendly and dynamic work environment
  • Live the adventure of a promising start-up in full expansion

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